Download civil engineering standard Data values
Best handbook where you can find all standard values in civil engineering. Download from the below link.

Civil engineering standard data values
Also read: 16+ Different types of slabs in Construction
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Civil Read Wishes you ALL the BEST
Good job
Thank u <3
Thanks krishna , and good job
Good job Mr. Krishna
Thanks bro please update fluid mechanics and hydraulic machinery text back by p. N. Modi
thank you so much
The notes provied by u is not downloaded easily so plz send it in my email if possible
email id
i need it urgent….
keep it up 😉
its quite easy to download the materials just use password: (all small letters) hope this works
Thank you very much sir and God bless you
Its a great service to spread knowledge, keep going…
Thanks For All your hard Work
thank u so much sir
Thank you krishna
Thnx very much sir
Sir total Mq concrete 70 Mq ko 1440 se multiply karna hoga.
Thanks Krishna Sir, u hv done a great work by uploading all these necessary civil engineering docs for us.