Plinth Level | Sill Level | Lintel Livel | Natural Ground level & Building Ground level

Different types of levels in the building:-

Types of levels are generally depicted in AutoCAD drawings and they are used to make ease in understanding. The different types of levels in the building are:-

Plinth Level:-

The level at which Substructure ends and superstructure starts is called Plinth level. It is the part of the superstructure between natural ground level and Finished floor level. the plinth is provided to restrict the seepage of stormwater and rainwater into the building.

The plinth height is in between 300mm – 450 mm from ground level.
It is recommended that the minimum plinth height of 150 mm is adopted from the top of the road.

Damp proof course (DPC) is laid on Plinth level. The purpose of applying DPC is to restrict the movement of moisture through walls and floors.

In Simple when you climb 3-4 steps to reach the building ground level is called Plinth height.

window sill level

Sill level or Window Sill level:-

The level between the base portion of the window and portion of the floor above ground level (upwards) is called Sill level. Mortar bed or concrete bed is laid at the base of the window.

The height of sill level depends upon the type of room for bedroom & bathroom the height may kept around minimum 1100mm  due to privacy concrens and in the living room the window sill level is kept at minimum 600-650mm from the floor level.

It is recommended that the minimum sill level height of 44 inches 

Lintel level:-

The level between the top portion of the window and top slab is called Lintel level. The potion above the Door lintel or Window lintel is called Lintel level. Lintel is provided above the door and window to transfer the upward wall load to the surrounding wall. Lintel is generally made up of Reinforced concrete or cement mortar.

Natural ground level (N.G.L):-

Natural ground level is termed as Level of the ground. The height of Natural ground level (NGL) is generally measured with Mean-sea level.

plinth level Building Ground level and natural ground level

Building ground level (B.G.L) / Finish floor level (F.F.L):-

The ground level inside building is called Building Ground level or Floor Finish level. This level is at the height of minimum 150mm – 450mm from the Natural ground level (N.G.L). The reason for raising building height is to restrict the entry of water during storms and rainfall. The height may go upto meters if the building located in slope and heavy rainfall areas.

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